Wsadmin properties file explained

ibm websphere

The wsadmin tool comes with a wsadmin properties file that can be used to configure certain runtime options. The file is called and is located in the <was_root>/properties folder. You will find the option defaultLang=jacl, which means that wsadmin is set to use JACL by default and that is why we have been passing the command line option –jython to all of our scripts. By changing this property to, wsadmin will use Jython as the default language instead.


All the wsadmin properties available in the file are listed in the following table:

• The connectionType determines what connector is used. It can be SOAP or RMI.The default is SOAP.

• The port property determines what port is used when attempting a connection. The default SOAP port for a singleserver installation is 8880.

• The host property determines what host is used when attempting a connection.The default value is localhost.

• The ipchost property determines what host is used when attempting a connection with the IPC connector.Use the host name or IP address of the loopback adapter that the IPC connector is listening to, such as localhost,, or ::1.

• The default value is localhost.

• The defaultLang property determines what scripting language to use. • Supported values are jacl and jython. The default value is jacl.

• The echoparams property determines whether parameters or arguments are output to STDOUT or to the wsadmin traceFile. The user has the ability to disable this property so as to not output parameters to STDOUT or to the wsadmin traceFile, for security purposes.

• The default value is true.$(was.install.root)/logs/wsadmin.traceout

• The traceFile property determines where trace and logging output are directed. If more than one user will be using wsadmin simultaneously, different traceFile properties should be set in the user’s properties files.

• The default is that all tracing and logging goes to the console.

• The validationOutput property determines where validation reports are directed. If more than one user will be using wsadmin simultaneously, different validationOutput properties should be set in the users’properties files.

• The default is wsadmin.valout in the current directory.*=all=enabled

• The traceString property governs the trace in effect for the scripting client process.

• The default is no tracing.

• The appendTrace property determines whether tracefile appends to the end of the existing log file. The user can disable the property to not append to the log file.

• The default value is false.$(was.install.root)/bin/securityProcs.jacl;$(was.install.root)/bin/LTPA_LDAPSecurityProcs.jacl

• The profiles property is a list of profiles to be run before running user commands, scripts, or an interactive shell.

• securityProcs is included here, by default, to make security configuration easier. CustomSecurityPolicy=true

• The tempdir property determines what directory to use for temporary files when installing applications.

• The default is what the JVM decides—

• The validationLevel property determines what level of validation to use when configuration changes are made from the scripting interface.

• Possible values are: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and HIGHEST.

• The default is HIGHEST.

• The crossDocumentValidation Enabled property determines whether the validation mechanism examines other documents when changes are made to one document.

• Possible values are: true, false.

• The default is true.

• The classpath property is appended to the list of paths to search for classes and resources.

• There is no default value.


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1 Response

  1. Ram says:

    Thanks a lot man.. I was looking for the below value in WAS 7.0 wsadmin properties.
    “” your website helped me to find the info I am looking for.
    I added that property to WAS7 properties file.

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