
After installing SOA 11g, but the soa-infra component fails to start.

The following error message shows up in the soa diagnostics.log file:

oracle.mds.lcm.exception.MDSLCMException: MDS-00922: The ConnectionManager "oracle.mds.internal.persistence.db.JNDIConnectionManagerImpl" cannot be instantiated.
weblogic.common.ResourceException: No good connections available.

This exception means that the application is using a MultiPool DataSource to get JDBC connections, and all the pools defined for that MultiPool are currently unable to deliver a connection for the application to use.

Here the SOA server is unable to establish a connection to the database.

It might show that the existing data sources status will be fine. However, they do not have the SOA server as a target. Usually the issue will be the mds-soa data source.

The list of data sources used by applications deployed to WebLogic Server can be viewed by either connecting to the Weblogic console and navigating to Services -> JDBC -> Data Sources or in the $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/config/config.xml file.

Soa Datasource Path

Weblogic soa mds datasource

For each data source there is a separate configuration file located in the $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/config/jdbc folder.

Add the SOA server as a target to existing data sources using the WebLogic console and do a bounce to solve the issue.


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