Warning: JMS queue ‘weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue’ is not found | weblogic

If you are seeing below warning messages after starting you managed servers, do the following to avoid it.
<Jul 28, 2011 11:26:25 PM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode> <WSEE:18>Warning: JMS queue 'weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue' is not found, as a result, Web Service async responses via jms transport is not supported. If the target service uses JMS transport, the responses will not be able to come back.<JmsQueueListener.connect:287> <WSEE:18>Warning: JMS queue 'weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue' is not found, as a result, Web Service async responses via jms transport is not supported. If the target service uses JMS transport, the responses will not be able to come back.<JmsQueueListener.connect:287>
To stop this warning, you can add this in startup command line:
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