JACL script to get Application Name and Validate the App – WebSphere

#----------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Getting AppInfo #----------------------------------------------------------------- proc chk_appinfo {} { puts "checklist: -- fetching $appName Applications CompleteObjectName ..." $AdminControl completeObjectName type=Application,name=$appName,* puts "checklist: -- fetching $appName Applications ConfigID ..." set appInfo [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:$appName/] puts "checklist: -- $appInfo " if { [llength $appInfo] == 0 } { puts "checklist: -- No Application Info(AppId) found." return 0 } else { puts "checklist: -- App Info found- $appInfo ." return $appInfo }} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #validate application #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc chk_validateApplication {} { puts "checklist: -- validateApplication $appName ..." puts "checklist: -- getting the application Config ID" set AppID [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:$appName/] if { [llength $AppID] == 0 } { puts "checklist: -- No AppID found." puts "checklist: -- App validation will not continue." return 0 } else { puts "checklist: -- $appName Config ID Found : $AppID " puts "checklist: -- validating Application $appName ..." set AppVal [$AdminConfig validate $AppID] puts "checklist: -- Validate Info: $AppVal ." return 1 }} #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- check if app exists #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc checkIfAppExists {} { # set appExists 0 set application [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:$appName/] puts "checklist: -- checkIfAppExists appName=$appName installedAppID=$application" if { [llength $application] == 0 } { puts "checklist: -- checkIfAppExists -- FALSE for appName=$appName" return 0 } else { puts "checklist: -- checkIfAppExists -- TRUE for appName=$appName" return 1 } }
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