Batch script to check if service is running

Batch Scripting

Its been long I was searching for a batch script which checks recursively whether a service is in RUNNING state or not from a remote server?

Its easy to do in a shell script on any UNIX environment but its usually hard to do it in Windows Env.

Here is the sample script which I developed for Windows env. but it requires WMIC installed in the system.

Check whether service is RUNNING or not in remote server


set servername=server1

set svcname=servicename2
for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('wmic /node:%servername% service where Name^="%svcname%" get state^| find "Running"')  do (
rem echo Port:%PORT% on %servername% OPEN!
Goto :EOF

echo Waiting for the Service %svcname% on %servername% to Start...
Goto :EOF
:: %1 is the Remote Machine Name
:: %2 is null if attempting to start, is Re- if restarting
Set loop=0
:: Will check state 20 times, adjust as needed.
If %loop%==240 Goto NoStart
:: Wait 5 second for service to (Re-)start (can also use sleep utility)
:: adjust -w as needed units are milliseconds
:: echo Checking Status Again in 5Seconds.
Ping -n 1 -w 5000 >Nul
Call :CheckStateStart
If NOT "%STATE%"=="OPEN" (set /a loop+=1) & Goto CheckLoopStart
Echo Windows Service %svcname% on %servername% is in Running state.
Echo Unable to start service %svcname% on %servername% in 20 minutes
ECHO Please check the state of service manually.
Set ErrFlag=1
Goto :EOF

This is the function which checks for the servicename which is RUNNING or not in the machine.

Check whether service is STOPPED or not in remote server

for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('wmic /node:%servername% service where Name^="%svcname%" get state^| find "Stopped"')  do (
rem echo Port:%PORT% on %servername% CLOSE!
Goto :EOF
echo Waiting for the Service %svcname% on %servername% to Stop...
Goto :EOF
:: %1 is the Remote Machine Name
Set loop=0
:: Will check state 20 times, adjust as needed.
If %loop%==240 Goto NoStop
:: Wait 5 second for service to (Re-)start (can also use sleep utility)
:: adjust -w as needed units are milliseconds
:: echo Checking Status Again in 5Seconds.
Ping -n 1 -w 5000 >Nul
Call :CheckStateStop
If NOT "%STATE%"=="CLOSE" (set /a loop+=1) & Goto CheckLoopStop
Echo Windows Service %svcname% on %servername% is in Stopped state.
Echo Unable to stop %svcname% on %servername% in 20 minutes
ECHO Please check the state of service manually.
Set ErrFlag=1
Goto :EOF

Replace the servername with the name of the machine which you want to check and svcname with the actual service name.

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