
Application deployed on WLS 9.2 MP3 connects to the MQ server. At times they get the following exception in the WLS log:
2011-10-17 08:19:53,770 OFCLVGateway - Inbound Thread #2 com.dovetailsys.gateway.jms.XAJMSAdaptor - javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: EJB Exception: : javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: javax.jms.JMSException: J2EE:160062There was an error with a resource pool used to pool JMS sessions: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException javax.jms.JMSException: J2EE:160062 There was an error with a resource pool used to pool JMS sessions: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException at weblogic.deployment.jms.JMSExceptions.getJMSException(JMSExceptions.java:29) at weblogic.deployment.jms.JMSSessionPool.doGetSession(JMSSessionPool.java:621) at weblogic.deployment.jms.JMSSessionPool.getSession(JMSSessionPool.java:409) at weblogic.deployment.jms.PooledConnection.doCreateSession(PooledConnection.ja va:259) at weblogic.deployment.jms.WrappedConnection.createQueueSession(WrappedConnecti on.java:134) at com.dovetailsys.gateway.jms.ResponseOperationsBean.receiveTextMessageFromQue ue(ResponseOperationsBean.java:176) at com.dovetailsys.gateway.jms.ResponseOperationsBean.receiveTextMessageFromQue ue(ResponseOperationsBean.java:138) at com.dovetailsys.gateway.jms.ResponseOperations_cc7m5m_EOImpl.receiveTextMess ageFromQueue(ResponseOperations_cc7m5m_EOImpl.java:60) at com.dovetailsys.gateway.jms.XAJMSAdaptor.read(XAJMSAdaptor.java:140) at com.dovetailsys.q5.gateway.GatewayInboundThread.adaptorRead(GatewayInboundTh read.java:234) at com.dovetailsys.q5.gateway.GatewayInboundThread.process(GatewayInboundThread .java:50) at com.dovetailsys.q5.gateway.GatewayThread.run(GatewayThread.java:100) Caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: javax.jms.JMSException: J2EE:160062There was an error with a resource pool used to pool JMS sessions: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException
There is a known issue with the IBM JMS MQClient not correctly delivering events to registered ExceptionListeners for non-asynchronous connections/sessions, which can cause stale connections to accumulate in the WLS pool managed by the JMS wrapper code. One immediate work-around is to allow temporary queue creation on the target QueueManager so that the WLS JMS wrapper can send itself periodic test messages via the temporary queue in order to keep track of connection health. Otherwise, this has been fixed in MQ V6.0 Refresh Pack (and later versions) but requires explicitly setting the Java system property where the MQClient libraries are being used (meaning, on your WLS instance that uses MQClient)
IBM’s Bug Extract:
Problem summary
As per JMS specifications: When an ExceptionListener is
registered with a connection, then any connection broken
exception should be notified to the ExceptionListener (if
registered). Hence any customer implementing this feature
within their application might hit upon this problem, where the
connection broken exception may not get delivered to the
Platforms affected:
All Distributed (iSeries, all Unix and Windows) +Java
WebSphere MQ as JMS provider NOT adhering to JMS Specifications
as per Section “4.3.8 ExceptionListener”. After discussing with
Sun MicroSystems it was confirmed that we need to make
modifications to our product to support the way
ExceptionListener has to be handled.
As per JMS specifications: When an ExceptionListener is
registered with a connection, then any connection broken
exception should be notified to the ExceptionListener (if
Currently, only in case of Asynchronous Delivery, we deliver
the connection broken exceptions to the Exception Listener. In
the case of a Synchronous call, even if the Exception Listener
is registered the exceptions are not delivered to the
Problem conclusion
After this fix, any connection broken exceptions (for both
Synchronous and Asynchronous) would be delivered to the
ExceptionListener, if the ExceptionListener is registered.
To ensure that the existing customers are unaffected by this
new change a new parameter is introduced to activate this
feature. Hence any application which requires the exceptions to
be delivered to the ExceptionListener must enable this
-DactivateExceptionListener=true will enable this new feature.
.for example
java -DactivateExceptionListener=true MyApplication.class will
activate this new feature when the MyApplication is being
executed. The value ‘true’ must be passed to the parameter. A
value ‘false’ or any other value or if this value is not passed
as a parameter then this new changes would not be enabled.
When this parameter is enabled if any Connection Broken
exceptions occurs during the program execution then that
exception would be delivered to the ExceptionListener, the list
of Exceptions currently identified that would be triggered when
the connection breaks are as follows:
Hence, with the -DactivateExceptionListener=true parameter
enabled all the connection broken exceptions would be delivered
to the ExceptionListener (if registered)
The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs:
Platform Fix Pack 13
——– ——————–
Windows U200246
AIX U804647
HP-UX (PA-RISC) U804874
Solaris (SPARC) U804876
iSeries SI24243
Linux (x86) U804877
Linux (zSeries) U804879
Platform Refresh Pack
——– ——————–
Windows U200253
AIX U806614
HP-UX (PA-RISC) U806615
HP-UX (Itanium) U806659
Solaris (SPARC) U806616
Solaris (x86-64) U806856
iSeries SI24240
Linux (x86) U806639
Linux (x86-64) U806667
Linux (zSeries) U806641
Linux (Power) U806659
Linux (s390x) U806661
For more info visit below link: IBM
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