Ant script to deploy ear in websphere

Deploying an application using ws_ant
Before we can run a ws_ant automated application deployment, we need to create an XML file which will contain the ws_ant tasks we wish to run to deploy the application. Traditionally, Ant-based utilities look for a default XML file called build.xml. However, any XML filename can be used as long as you pass the name of the file on the command line when you run ws_ant.
—> We could use the name build.xml for the XML file to keep in line with the common use of Ant, but by using a different file we immediately know what the script is used for by just looking at its name.
Before we create our first script you need to reference a few folders from within the scripts. The folders you will need to create or reference for the scripts to work are explained as follows:
<scripts_home> :- The root location on your server where you will locate all your scripts.
(In the examples, I have used /root/WAS8TECHPASTE on Linux as my script location)
<deploy_home> :- The root location where you will store all EAR files.
(In the examples, I have used /root/WAS8TECHPASTE/deploy on Linux as my EAR file location).
<was_root> :- The root of your WAS installation.
<was_profile_root> :- The root of your Application Server profile.
The steps to create the script are as follows:
1. Create a file called deployapp.xml in a folder called <scripts_home>/ws_ant.
2. Copy the following code into deployapp.xml, ensuring you replace appropriate paths variables and save the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="HR Lister Application Depoyment" default="buildall" basedir="."> <!-- global properties --> <property name="hostName" value="localhost" /> <property name="connType" value="SOAP" /> <property name="port" value="8880" /> <property name="userId" value="wasadmin" /> <property name="password" value="wasadmin" /> <property name="deployEar.dir" value="<deploy_home>" /> <property name="deployEar" value="HRListerEAR.ear" /> <property name="wasHome.dir" value="<was_root>" /> <!-- mbean declaration" --> <taskdef name="wasInstallApp" classname="" /> <!-- installation Target--> <target name="installEar"> <echo message="Deployable EAR File found at: ${deployEar.dir}/${deployEar}" /> <wasInstallApp ear="${deployEar.dir}/${deployEar}" wasHome="${wasHome.dir}" conntype="${connType}" port="${port}" host="${hostName}" user="${userId}" password="${password}" /> </target> <target name="build-all" depends="installEar"> <!--Main Target--> </target> </project>
3. To run the ws_ant script, navigate to the <was_root>/bin folder and type the following command:
°° For Linux: ./ -f <scripts_home>/ws_ant/deployapp.xml
°° For Windows: ws_ant.bat -f <scripts_home>\ws_ant\deployapp.xml
4. The result of running the deployapp.xml ws_ant script will be displayed in stdout (the shell scripts console). A sample of the output you would expect to see is as follows:
installEar: [echo] Deployable EAR File found at: /root/WAS8TECHPASTE/deploy/HRListerEAR.ear [wasInstallApp] Installing Application [/root/WAS8TECHPASTE/deploy/HRListerEAR.ear]... [wsadmin] WASX7209I: Connected to process "server01" on node node01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is:UnManagedProcess [wsadmin] ADMA5016I: Installation of HRListerEAR started. [wsadmin] ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions of deployment targets. [wsadmin] ADMA5005I: The application HRListerEAR is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository. [wsadmin] ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package are created. [wsadmin] ADMA5005I: The application HRListerEAR is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository. [wsadmin] ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in /var/apps/was8/profiles/appsrv01/wstemp/Script12edf1052fc/workspace/cells/s15418557Node01Cell/applications/HRListerEAR.ear/HRListerEAR.ear [wsadmin] ADMA5005I: The application HRListerEAR is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository. [wsadmin] SECJ0400I: Successfully updated the application HRListerEAR with the appContextIDForSecurity information. [wsadmin] ADMA5005I: The application HRListerEAR is configured in the WebSphere Application Server repository. [wsadmin] ADMA5113I: Activation plan created successfully. [wsadmin] ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application HRListerEAR is complete. [wsadmin] ADMA5013I: Application HRListerEAR installed successfully. [wasInstallApp] Installed Application [/root/WAS8TECHPASTE/deploy/HRListerEAR.ear] build-all: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 17 seconds
Managing an application using ws_ant
1. Create a file called manageapp.xml in the same folder you created earlier, for example, <scripts_home>/was_ant/manageapp.xml.
2. Copy the following code into the manageapp.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="Manage HR Lister Application Deployment" default="build-all" basedir="."> <!-- global properties --> <property name="hostName" value="localhost" /> <property name="connType" value="SOAP" /> <property name="port" value="8880" /> <property name="userId" value="wasadmin" /> <property name="password" value="wasadmin" /> <property name="appName" value="HRLister" /> <property name="deployEar.dir" value="="<deploy_home>" /> <property name="deployEar" value="HRListerEAR.ear" /> <property name="wasHome.dir" value="<was_root>" /> <!-- mbean declarations" --> <taskdef name="wsUninstallApp" classname=" ant.tasks.UninstallApplication" /> <taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classname=" tasks.InstallApplication" /> <taskdef name="wsListApplications" classname=" websphere.ant.tasks.ListApplications" /> <!-- List Target--> <target name="listApplications"> <wsListApplications wasHome="${wasHome.dir}" conntype="${connType}" port="${port}" host="${hostName}" user="${userId}" password="${password}" /> </target> <!-- Uninstall Target--> <target name="uninstallEAR"> <wsUninstallApp application="${appName}" wasHome="${wasHome.dir}" conntype="${connType}" port="${port}" host="${hostName}" user="${userId}" password="${password}" /> </target> <!-- installation Target--> <target name="installEAR"> <echo message="Deployable EAR File found at: ${deployEar.dir}/${deployEar}" /> <wsInstallApp ear="${deployEar.dir}/${deployEar}" options="-appname ${appName}" wasHome="${wasHome.dir}" conntype="${connType}" port="${port}" host="${hostName}" user="${userId}" password="${password}" /> </target> <target name="build-all" depends="listApplications,uninstallEAR, listApplications, installEAR, listApplications"> <!--Main Target--> </target> </project>
Using the following table, you can see the syntax of the different types of command lines required to run the individual targets:
For Linux:
<was_root>/bin/ listApplications -f <scripts_home>/ws_ant/manageapp.xml
For Windows:
<was_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat listApplications -f <scripts_home>\ws_ant\manageapp.xml
For Linux:
<was_root>/bin/ uninstallEAR -f <scripts_home>/ws_ant/manageapp.xml
For Windows:
<was_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat uninstallEAR -f <scripts_home>\ws_ant\manageapp.xml
For Linux:
<was_root>/bin/ installEAR -f <scripts_home>/ws_ant/manageapp.xml
For Windows:
<was_root>\bin\ installEAR -f <scripts_home>\ws_ant\manageapp.xml
<No target specified> (Runs all targets)
For Linux:
<was_root>/bin/ install -f <scripts_home>/ws_ant/manageapp.xml
For Windows:
<was_root>\bin\ install -f <scripts_home>\ws_ant\manageapp.xml
3. if you choose to run the manageapp.xml file with no specific target mentioned, the build-all target will run. The build-all target calls named targets in a particular order.
<target name="build-all" depends="listApplications, uninstallEAR, listApplications, installEAR, listApplications"> <!--Main Target--> </target>
4. Since the manageapp.xml file has a project declaration, which specifies the default target as build-all, the build-all target will be called if no target name is specified on the command line. This is shown as follows:
<project name="Manage Application Deployment" default="build-all" basedir=".">
IBM maintains that ws_ant is not suited for production system configurations, though this does not stop anyone from using Ant as such. A better tool for administrative scripting in WAS is the wsadmin tool. The reason is that administration scripting using Jython is far more powerful than ws_ant. It is interesting to note that ws_ant is in fact an Ant wrapper which calls some wsadmin commands internally.
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Is their any way to check if the application is deployed already and then invoke the Corresponding Target(Deploy/Update).