Steps to install ssl certificate IIS
Below are the simple steps which can be followed to enable and install SSL certificate in IIS server.
1. Click Start->Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. In the left panel of the Service Manager, select your website (e.g. M) on which the application is running and right click on it and click on the “properties”
3. In the website properties window go to the tab “Directory Security”.
4. In the “Directory Security” window click on the “Server Certificate”.
5. In the “Web Server Certificate Wizard” click on the “Next” button
6. In the “Server Certificate” page select the “Create a new certificate” and click “Next”.
7. In the “Delayed or Immediate Request” page select the “Prepare the request now, but send it later” and click “Next”.
8. In the “Name and Security Settings” type the name as “SI” or any other name in the Name field and click “Next”.
9. In the “Organization Information” type your organization name (e.g. SI) and organizational unit as name for division (e.g. OU) and click “Next”.
10. In the “Your Site’s Common Name” page type the fully qualified domain name of site (e.g. in the “Common name” filed and click “Next”
11. In the “Geographical Information” page give the Certificate Parameters and click “Next”.
12. In the “Certificate Request File Name” click on “Next”.
13. In the “request file summary” page check the values you entered and click “Next”.
14. Then it will create the file “certreq.txt” at the C:\ location and on the finish page click on the “Finish button”.
15. In the “Directory Security” click on the “Ok” button.
Generating SSL from Certificate Authority (CA)
1. Open the file C:\certreq.txt using notepad and copy the content of file to an empty text file and save it as “server.csr” and save it .
2. The CSR contain information pertaining to the current configuration and encapsulates all the details required. This information needs to be provided to Certificate Authority (CA) such as VeriSign or RapidSSL to get a valid SSL certificate.
3. Certificate Authority will provide you a certificate regarding to the given CSR file. The certificate file is like (e.g. server.crt).
4. Open “server.crt” file by using notepad and copy the Certificate portion into a text file and save it as “server.cer” and place it in some location in your application.
5. For installing the certificate follow the below steps: Installing Certificate
1. Installing Certificate in IIS
1. Click Start->Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. In the left panel of the Service Manager, select your website (e.g. M) on which the your application is running and right click on it and click on the “properties”.
3. In the website properties window go to the tab “Directory Security”.
4. In the “Directory Security” page click on the “Server Certificate”.
5. In the “Web Server Certificate Wizard” click on the “Next” button.
6. In the “Pending Certificate Request” page select “Process the pending request and install the certificate” and click “Next”.
7. In the “Processing a Pending Request” page select the file <ROOT>\openssl\bin\server.csr by browsing through the file system and click “Next”.
8. In the “SSL Port” page give the SSL port for the website as 443 and click “Next”.
9. In the “Certificate Summary” page click on “Next”.
10. In the finish page click on “Finish” button.
11. After finishing IIS Certificate Wizard go to the “Directory Security” window click on the “Edit” button.
12. Then the “Secure Communications” window appears.
13. Select the “Require secure channel (SSL) and “Require 128-bit encryption and click “Ok”.
14. After completing in the “Directory Security” click on the “Ok” button.
15. Now restart the IIS Admin Service once.
- From LAN try accessing the application url with https like
- It will be prompted for security, click on yes to accept the client certificate.
- Then you are able to see the index page
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